* Lessons are once a week for 30 minutes and they are $20 per lesson.
* Payment is due either at each lesson or you can pay for a month in advance at the first lesson of the month if you prefer. Payments in cash, check (made out to Karen Vatral), PayPal or Venmo are all accepted.
* A 24 hour notice of cancellation is required to avoid paying for the lesson, except for
illnesses or emergencies. (Please either call, text, or email.)
* If you have been sick, please use discretion regarding attending a lesson. However, please call or text to cancel your lesson if you have any contagious symptoms. And, please be fever-free for at least 24 hours for regular viruses. Please follow all state and federal guidelines regarding Covid-19.
*Missed lessons can be made up at an alternate time/day to be arranged.
* Students are responsible for bringing all books and assignments and should be prepared for each lesson, having practiced their assignments at home during the previous week.
*Recitals and performances are encouraged but never required.